Sunflower seeds are a healthy plant that are fun to eat as a snack or added to desserts. But what are the benefits of sunflower seeds?
1. It is a source of protein.
Sunflower seeds are quite high in protein and also contain iron similar to egg yolks and liver. Therefore, those who want to add protein to their body can easily eat sunflower seeds as a snack. สมัคร ufabet
2. Reduces blood fat
Contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, and this type of fatty acid helps reduce fat in the blood vessels. It also makes red blood cells complete, durable, and not clumped together, reducing the risk of clogged arteries.

3. Nourish eyesight
Vitamin E helps prevent oxygen from reacting with unsaturated fatty acids in the cornea. This property should help prevent cataracts. However, it cannot be confirmed that vitamin E can definitely prevent cataracts because there is no research to confirm this. However, vitamin E does help nourish the eyes to some extent.
4. Reduce the risk of heart disease.
Vitamin E is a type of antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation in the body. In addition, the unsaturated fatty acids help reduce fat in the blood vessels, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
5. Maintain thyroid function.
Selenium is an important nutrient for thyroid function. Therefore, eating foods high in selenium, such as sunflower seeds, will help the body have selenium to help the thyroid function.